69th NYSV Historical Association FAQ

What is the 69th NYSV Historical Association?
How do I join?
What kind of events do you do?
How often are events?

What is the 69th NYSV Historical Association?

The 69th NYSV Historical Association is a non-profit living history organization founded in 1992 for the purpose of accurately portraying the life of the Irish Soldier in the Union Army to the general public. We are a family-friendly unit that emphasizes historical research and authenticity, safety, battalion drill, and battlefield tactics.

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How do I join?

Membership in the 69th NYSV Historical Association is open to all individuals with an interest not just in the 69th NY, but in the study of the Civil War in general. We are a family oriented group that encourages full participation by all members. Please visit our Recruiting Page to learn more about the levels of participation available in the 69th NYSV Historical Association and to download an Enlistment Form.

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What kind of events do you do?

The 69th NYSV Historical Association participates in a wide range of events from mainstream battle reenactments, to immersive campaigning events, commemorative parades and living history encampments on the actual battlefields the 69th fought on. You can view the events we have remaining this year on our Event Schedule. For an example of year's typical schedule please view the events we attended in 2012.

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How often are events?

The 69th NYSV Historical Association in a typical year schedules 12 events, or approximately one per month. Some months do have more events schedules, for instance each March the 69th NY is asked to participate in three Saint Patrick's Day Parades in New York City, New Jersey and Yonkers, NY. For an example of year's typical schedule please view the events we attended in 2012.

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